WYLSB – Chapter 1.4

“Hey! Where’s my cover slide?”

Hush Dan! We’re looking at ickle Crast being adorable.


…or maybe not so adorable. What did that poor teddybear ever do to her?


“It’s my birthday!”



“Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!”

“Yay! It’s her birthday!”

They get excited so easily.


See Dan, that’s how you’re meant to transition from YA to Adult, you’re not supposed to change. But you went and had dreadlocks…tsk, tsk.


“I’m over it.”


Ayesha decided that that would be a good time to start teaching little Crast her life skills, starting with walking.


“Come on baby, walk to Mummy.”


First try, she starts walking. Smart kid you got there Ayesha.



Crast is too cute. That is all.


Dan decided to spend some time with his daughter the next morning, look at her cute ickle face. ^^


Dan went to work, didn’t get a promotion and came home and broke the sink. You’re having a good day, aren’t you?

“Stupid sink! Stupid job! Stupid…ARGH!”

Yup, good day.


To top it all off, he gets first shift on potty duty.


Aww, look at her poopy faces ^^


So Ayesha invited my simself and Ally over so they could get to know Crast a little better. Ally decided she wanted to chat to Dan and just casually walked into the bathroom while he was having a bath.

“ALLY!! What are you doing?! Get out!”

“Pfft, I was just coming to say hi.”

Yeah, I think that can wait Ally.


She left the bathroom and went to play with Crast, who still looks adorable!


My simself seems to suck at making friends with this family. She didn’t even go into Crast’s room while she was there, she just played tag with Dan and Ally. She’s not even friends with Dan either…still.



Yay! More Danesha babies!


Crast may be adorable but she is a devil child. Always screaming and often for no reason.


Since it was early and she was screaming, I sent Dan to teach her how to talk…although that’s probably not a good idea.


She kept making cute faces at Dan but she didn’t say anything.


And then she did this.


Look at the way she just casually looks around like it’s no big deal.


Hey look! My simself finally got a boyfriend!


So Dan’s now at the position in Politics where he needs to get funding so he threw his first fundraiser. He also had an opportunity to gain Charisma skill by becoming best friends with Molly French (the old woman that’s he talking to by the pavement) so he spend the entire time talking to her.


As you can see, Dan was able to get a reasonable fund for his campaign.


Ally seems to have settled down with Malcolm, she’s been with him for a record amount of time…for her.


“Urg, can’t wait til this baby comes.”


“My back is killing me!”

Poor Ayesha.


To take her mind off things, she got to finish up Crast’s talking training.


Apparently my simself has taken over for Ally in dating every sim in town.


Ayesha went into labour while Dan was throwing another fundraiser. Don’t they all look so worried about her? Well, at least Xander does.


“It’s another girl!”

Shame, we’ve got some cracking boy names we need to use. What’s her name?


Nice, after one of the characters from WYNSB’s sequel.


Crast continues to be cute. I seriously can’t get enough of this kid.


“There you go baby.”

Ayesha’s an awesome Mum. Dan…tries his best.


Seriously, how can you not love this kid?


I feel kinda sorry for Emily. I don’t think Dan has even been near her since she was born. Probably for the best though kid.

“That’s not true! You’re going to love your Daddy, aren’t you?”


This is what Dan does in his spare time instead of looking after the kids. He dances and his mouth goes weird. You look like a fool!

“Shut up!”


Both the kids are growing up!


Emily has Ayesha’s skintone, Dan’s hair and PURPLE eyes! Ayesha has black eyes and Dan has green eyes so I have no idea where the purple came from…but it’s awesome.


Crast still looks adorable.


Your welcome. Do me a favour though, when you grow up to Teen, stand still when I take your picture.

“I’ll try.”

Seriously, seven pictures before I got this one. This kid’s gonna be trouble, I can tell.

5 responses to “WYLSB – Chapter 1.4

  1. Cee is so cute as a toddler. Got a bit less as a kid though. Love the legacy and hey my simself is available! šŸ˜€

  2. OMG! Sorry, I’ve been looking everywhere and I can NOT find the pregnancy clothes you have. I can’t even figure out how to get default replacements for maternity wear. Could you link to the website please? Thank you! (:

    I love the legacy, just started reading it but I still love it! haha (:

    • The clothes that I have aren’t just for pregnancy šŸ™‚ I get most of my clothes from raiding booty (paysites.mustbedestroyed.org) I just work my way down the lists and download all the clothes/hair I can find šŸ˜› None of them are default either, I change the clothes using Twallen’s Master Controller mod by going into the Stylist option šŸ™‚

      Thanks for reading šŸ˜€

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